Tuesday, April 12, 2011

(2) That poor tiger...

Nick Thompson was a fifth grader that was assigned a simple writing assignment. Most of his classmates struggled to reach the five page limit, I mean come on, they are ten years old. But Nick went over the minimum, and in doing so wrote about something deeper than he may have realized at the time.

Nick wrote about a tiger that was caged in a zoo. For months this tiger planned his escape; he would jump out of the top of the cage and be home free in the wild. The night came, and the tiger jumped with all of his strength and made it out of the top of the cage. But, when he landed, he found that he was just in another cage inside another zoo. This process went on and on and the tiger could never escape the series of cages that seemed to be always waiting for him.

"There's nothing more dangerous than someone who wants to make the world a better place." 


Awesome post Steve. Great job on the audio file!

I like your audio with the special effects! That's cool!. I also think passion is a quite important think to help our self. If we have that passion, we would never be the "tiger" or afraid anything. Nobody and nothing can be the caves.!

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